WellTogether: Belonging and Inclusion Conference
30. listopadu – 1. prosince 2023

Sharing and Inspiration through an International Dimension
A practice-oriented conference that aims to share good practice and experience in the field of inclusivity and wellbeing across different levels of education, drawing inspiration from the commercial sector, which is further ahead than educational organisations on these issues.
2 Interactive days full of Education
In addition to the keynote section and Coffee & Cake discussion, you will have the opportunity to choose from 6 interactive workshops. The entire conference programme is free of charge.
Contacts that Will Come in Handy
The BELONG Conference is all about people and meeting. You will have the unique opportunity to network with like-minded colleagues. The conference is suitable for university teachers, education students, stakeholders, actors of change in education.
Please, note that the conference languages are Czech and English. Registration for the conference is required.
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